Update, February 2025. Regular visitors may have noticed that updates to this website have become rather infrequent of late. This is due to the technology used, and the webmaster himself both suffering from age related issues! I won't bore you with the details but I can't guarantee that the site will be around much longer so if you find anything particularly useful on it, I would urge you to download it just in case it disappears by the time you nxet want to refer to it.

Update, September 2019: I've just noticed that the later versions of Safari are refusing to play some of my early embedded video clips. At the moment, I'm not sure how to remedy this so if you encounter messages like 'unsupported plug-in' I can only apologise!

I became interested in my family history when I found myself struggling to work out my relationship to some of the people who attended my mother's funeral. Amongst my parents' collection of old photographs was this one, taken with my father's box Brownie around 1960. On the back it says simply "The Plane Crazy Boy".

Now, over half a century later, some things haven't changed much (roll your cursor over the picture to see what I mean). No surprise then that model aeroplanes and genealogy feature heavily on this site.

My interest in wildlife is more recent so I have taken the opportunity to show off some of the feathered flyers to be seen in our area too.

Lastly, the Miscellaneous zone gives a few glimpses into other aspects of life, pride of place being given to our new grandchildren who serve as a delightful reminder that quite a bit has happened between my first childhood and my second!

Trevor Hewson

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