Earliest Known Ancestors: , married Anne Height in 1644. Descent is via their daughter Elizabeth, bap 1648 Wainfleet St. Mary who married Robert Pike in 1671 at Wainfleet St. Mary, Lincs. See Hewson Pedigree for more.
General Information Robert Pike died in 1688, and Elizabeth went on to marry Edward Cooke in 1690 at Wainfleet. There is a baptism on the IGI of Hugh Clarke to John Clarke at Waddington, Lincs in 1622, which fits with th date of marriage, but there is also one at Wainfleet St. Mary's to Lion Cleark in 1618, which is possibly more likely.
Next Steps Marriage of Hugh Cleark to Anne Height is based on IGI and BVRI entries only. Need to check this for clues as to the origins of Hugh and Anne. Also, until the original record is examined, there is a possibility that Anne's surname may be 'Sleight'!