As well as the regulars, we have continued to have occasional visits from Common Terns, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Rock Pipits and Cormorants. One lone Oystercatcher flew by (probably because I reported last month that we hadn't seen any), and there are Jackdaws and Housemartins around on the clifftop. Photographing the House Martins on the wing has defeated me but I have now located their nest under the eaves of the hotel on the clifftop, so I will see if I can catch them coming or going. Performers of the month though were the Kestrels. This was the first time we have seen two at once and either there was some kind of argument going on or it was an adult giving a juvenile a hunting lesson. Whatever the reason, the bird pictured was cowering on the grass whilst the other made dramatic low swoops over it. TJH. |