I had heard occasional reports of Ravens being seen further along the coast but, since I generally pay little heed to the Crows, which are always around, I reckoned my chances of ever spotting a Raven were remote.
Then one morning four crow-like birds flew by: two passed to the left, going 'Caw, caw' whilst the other two, somewhat larger, passed to the right, going 'Ork, ork'! By the time that I had turned around and got my binoculars onto the rapidly receeding birds, it was impossible to be absolutely sure, so I tried to commit the call to memory with a view to looking it up when I got home.
Further along the undercliff, I encountered a man with a 'scope over his shoulder. "Excuse me" I ventured, "but you didn't happen to see a couple of Ravens coming through ten minutes ago by any chance?". The man in question introduced himself as Mike Adams and, to my delight, confirmed that I had indeed seen my first Barton Ravens.
Whilst walking back, I was astonished to see the two Ravens fly back again. My delight at seeing them was now tinged by frustration that, because of a painful neck, I had for once left my camera at home. Then Mike once more came into view, just as the two birds settled on the undercliff.