As you may have gathered from the picture on the home page, my first venture into model flying took place in my schooldays, and involved control line aeroplanes powered by diesel and glow plug engines. All this came to a halt when I left school and it was not until 1987 when the bug bit again. You can read the full story of how this came to pass in this article I wrote at the time but briefly, inspired by the sight of a hang glider soaring off our local cliff, this second foray into model flying started with a glider (radio controlled of course) with the ambition of learning to fly well enough to do the same. However, slope soaring requires wind, and a spell of frustratingly flat calm Sundays caused me to venture into electric models. As you browse through the various sections you will see how things have developed from there. Recently the electrics have had far more flying than the soarers. The models are grouped into five categories. For each model there is a Key Data page and for most of them there is a full Review Article or Project Diary. Each plane also has a log book which gives a feel for how popular it has been and also for any important modifications made since the initial review was written. Some log books also link to other articles about adventures with that particular model. You can also get to these and other flying tales via the Articles section. More recently video clips have been added for many models and for the Electric Scale and Sport Aerobatic sections there are now Slideshow links for each model which is where you will generally find the latest flying shots. In an effort to prevent this site expanding out of control, I have tried to restrict the content to my own models but like every rule, it's there to be broken, so here are a few links to other people's models which I have been privileged to fly: Bob's Lancaster - A nervous maiden flight for all concerned. Ivan's Express - The highlight of my trip to Chilliwack B.C. in 2010. Ivan's RP3 - Brought over to the UK by Ivan in 2011 and left in my tender care! Ruth's Blob - Built by my then teenage daughter. Subsequently returned to my custody to make room for her own growing family |