Because of the sharp dihedral break between the main wing panels and the tips, the inboard ribs of the tip panels are canted over quite steeply. Unfortunately no allowance for this was made when the ribs were drawn on the plan.
The plan also shows a single upper 1/4 x 1/4in balsa spar. Fair enough, but vertical shear webs are also shown which, in the absence of a lower spar, does seem rather odd. The dihedral brace drawing is also wrong but at least the dihedral angles are accurate. To be honest, I am really only following the outlines of this plan and making my own structural decisions but I pity anybody who might be tempted to take it literally.
I used 1/16in ply rather than the specified 1/8in for the dihedral braces. This proved useful, in that the last little bit of misalignment can be taken up by the flexibility of the ply rather than just filled with epoxy!