Freewing Avanti S When I splashed out the princely sum of £29 on my bargain basement Hobbyking Hawk a couple of years ago, little did I know what an expensive move it would eventually prove to be. Whilst I have enjoyed flying the Hawk (apart perhaps from the hand launches), in no way would I have said that I'd been bitten by the edf bug. However, when I saw someone at the field with an Avanti, I had to admit that the performance was most impressive. Then, when my regular flying companion said that he was going to buy one, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of 'oh well, why not'!
The version I went for has the motor, fan, servos and retracts all pre-installed, so all I had to buy was a 6-channel receiver and a couple of 6s x 4000mah LiPo batteries.
When the large box arrived, it was clear that it had had quite a severe knock at some point on its travels, as you can see in the picture. However, such is the quality of the packing that all parts escaped unscathed.
The parts coount is pretty low and, with all control surfaces pre-hinged, the bits bag is smaller than usual too, consisting largely of pushrods for the control surfaces.
Assembly of the model is essentially just a matter of screwing on the tailplane, fin and wings. A tube of glue is though included to secure the wing fences and to attach the tinted canopy to the cockpit floor. At first it seemed odd that this last step had been left to the buyer, considering how much other work had been done at the factory. However the cockpit floor is a pristine white so, by leaving the canopy off, they give you free rein to paint, fit out and populate the cockpit as you wish. I opted to give the base a couple of coats of paint but didn't bother with a pilot. This is not a scale model after all. |
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