1997 - 10 flights Maiden Flight - November 1997 Severe aileron flutter. Tamed by shortening ailerons by 2" at tips
1998 - 22 flights Little difference between 7 and 8 cells - duration 8 - 10mins.
1999 - 27 flights
2000 - 17 flights February: Rudder servo replaced July: Aerial shortened by low approach over barbed wire fence!
2001 - 13 flights December: Motor threw a winding. Replaced with ex-Team Gear 16 turn 540.
2002 - 18 flights April: Landed in river! Read all about it. All dried out okay. July: New Speed 600 race motor fitted
2003 - 6 flights 2004 - not flown 2005 - 2 flights 2006 - not flown
2007 - 3 flights
2008 - 1 flight
2009 - 13 flights
2010 - 9 flights 2011 - 19 flights October 2011 - Brushless motor conversion. 2012 - 6 flights
2013 - 13 flights 2014 - 15 flights
2015 - 16 flights 2016 - 6 flights
2017 - 11 flights 2018 - 8 flights 2019 - 6 flights
June 2020 - Sold
Total flights logged - 241

Last log update - June 2020